Thursday 19 June 2014

These NYC Rental Buildings Are Actually Architecturally Savvy

Buyers, not renters, get all the love amenities architectural craziness. It's funny, because even though 75 percent of New Yorkers are fully committed to the rental market because of the realities of our housing stock, starchitects naturally flock to the more remunerative, reputation-building condo buildings. But that doesn't mean your rental has to dwell behind a boring facade, with a boxy facade designed by Hot Karl. No, there are a handful of rental buildings out there with legitimately interesting architectural features and serious design chops, from those with illustrious historic provenance to cutting-edge contemporary construction. Here now, a few of the most interesting.

But first, a caveat: we've purposely excluded the many cool, covetable projects, like the Police Building and Jean Nouvel's 100 Eleventh Avenue, in which some of the owners do rent out their places—though those are a leasing option for architecture buffs, too. The developments listed were meant to be rentals all along. Know of any we missed? Hit up the tipline and let us know.

All these everyday problems and more are solvable?if your luxury apartment building has a pull-out-the-stops concierge desk. This particular breed of amenity is becoming more and more popular (and catering to more and more absurd requests) as apartment owners and even renters (like at Mercedes House, pictured) get used to hotel-level service while traveling and come to expect the same kind of treatment at home, too. [NYDN via AP]

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